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Defence IQ recently interviewed Hanif Qadir, Founder of the Active Change Foundation about the apparent reversal in strategy form the UK Government when it comes to including conservative groups in the fight against extremism. According to Qadir, the government has recently shut the door on ‘conservative groups’ involved in the counter-extremist effort, particularly those with religion at their centre, in spite of the perceived importance of these groups and their ability to connect with at-risk communities at the grass roots level.

Hanif Qadir, who has been keenly engaged with the Home Office and counter-extremist campaigns for over a decade, has decried an apparent reversal in strategy from the UK and other nations when it comes to funding and collaboration with these types of organisations. Read the full interview to understand the frustrations from the NGO perspective, along with his thoughts on how to solve these problems.


Hanif Qadir will be in attendance at this year's Countering Violent Extremism forum taking place in London on 20-22 June, where he will be involved in two panel discussion entitled 'Admitting that the role of former fighters and their role in countering violent extremism has not reach its full potential' & 'Improving CVE interoperability both domestically & internationally by identifying the challenges we all face'. Don't miss this opportunity to engage collaboratively with thought leaders, technical experts and strategists in the CVE community.

Registering is easy - Book before Friday 26th May & save £100!

Online: Book your place here
Tel: +44 (0) 207 036 1300

I hope you enjoy this interview

Best regards,

Olivia Timmins

PS: Download the latest agenda here

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