26th January 2017
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Free teaching resources on Brexit for secondary schools

The Bar Council and the Citizenship Foundation have developed free resources to teach pupils about Brexit.....read more

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Russell Hobby to step down as NAHT general secretary in September

The general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, Russell Hobby, will step down in September, after seven successful years leading the association.....read more

Grammars will be worse off from proposed funding changes

Grammars may have to ask parents for £30-£40 a month to make up for funding shortfalls.....read more

Teaching apprenticeship should be ready by September 2018

Jonathan Slater, the Department for Education’s permanent secretary, has said the teaching apprenticeship should be available to schools within the next two years.....read more

Teaching quality in Wales is weak, says watchdog

Welsh education watchdog Estyn has said the quality of teaching is the "weakest aspect" of education across most areas of Wales.....read more


Are you fluent in coding?

FutureLearn’s head of content Nigel Smith talks about how a collaboration with Raspberry Pi is enabling teachers to make coding accessible to all.....read more

The end of one year – and the start of another

Samantha Mann of the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals, shares her advice on preparing for the end of the financial year and what to expect in the next one......read more



Our range of canopies and walkways are the ideal solution for maximising education environments. With over 50 years experience, Fordingbridge are passionate about helping schools transform under-utilised spaces into valuable and weather protected outdoor learning, dining and social areas. We provide the in-house expertise and understanding to provide you with durable, proven and inspiring solution.....read more

Scotts of Thrapston Ltd

Scotts Education Buildings offer schools and nurseries a quick, cost effective and high quality permanent solution to increased space demand. Scotts has given careful consideration to the specification and design of their classrooms and educational buildings, to create modern learning spaces that meet your budget.....read more

Pretorian Technologies

Pretorian Technologies is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of assistive technologies for the school sector, with a huge range of products from trackballs and joysticks, through communications devices, switches and accessibility aids for tablet computers, particularly iPad. All our products are both designed and manufactured in UK.....read more


Langley is the leading provider of roofing and waterproofing solutions to the education sector, which is why we know that a great school roof is about more than materials and labour.  It’s about the technical expertise and experience that comes from supporting this sector. To learn why ‘more goes into a Langley roof’ visit our website.


Jigsaw is an original, comprehensive Scheme of Learning for Years F1/2 to Year 6. It integrates PSHE, emotional literacy, social skills, spiritual development and SMSC opportunities in a lesson-a-week programme, and includes all teaching resources. Come and see us at The Education Show on stand L70, we look forward to welcoming you to the growing family of Jigsaw schools.....read more

Utility Wise

Does your building have a valid Display Energy Certificate (DEC)? Failure to show a valid DEC could result in a £1,500 penalty. Click now on www.utilitywise.com/DEC to take advantage of our free no obligation DEC checking service.

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