21st November 2017          View The Latest Issue Online          Follow Us On Twitter           View This Email Online



Outsourcing in public sector spikes in Q3


Local authorities and central government departments procured contracts worth £723 million between July and September 2017.....read more

£200m spend needed for 'high risk' roads


The Road Safety Foundation has urged the government to immediately spend £200 million to tackle its most ‘high risk roads’.....read more

Social care measures needs to be brought forward


Measures to address the long-term reform of adult social care need to be brought forward to tackle the significant pressures facing the sector.....read more

Report highlights FM role in combating cyber


A new white paper has analysed how organisations can better protect themselves against cyber attack by prioritising the FM role.....read more

Government cuts hit the north hardest


New government figures on public spending have revealed that the north of England has seen the biggest cuts in spending over the past five years.....read more




GDPR - Key points for local and central government


Julie Nixon and Melanie Schwindt discuss GDPR and offer key recommendations to ensure UK companies are prepared come May next year.....read more

Funding, county economics and the need for resources


Cllr Philip Atkins explains why the upcoming Budget is an opportunity to empower counties to boost economic growth.....read more




Access Records Management


Access Records Management manages documents for organisations of all sizes, including central government and local authorities. Services range from simple packages to bespoke end-to-end records management solutions. Call now on 0808 278 6403 for a quote, whether you are archiving several thousand files, tapes or CD’s, or just a few boxes.....read more

AJC EasyCabin


EasyCabin is the name for all temporary accommodation units manufactured by AJC Trailers. EasyCabin is a brand leader that has become synonymous with quality and sustainability. AJC began manufacturing trailer units in 1964, production, sales and service divisions all operate from a 32,000 sq. ft. facility situated in Luton, Bedfordshire.....read more

Sempre Analytics


Do your current budgeting and forecasting processes take up a disproportionate amount of time? Would you like to be able to carry out more effective analysis of the numbers – if only you didn’t have to spend so long pulling those numbers together? Sempre Analytics can help. Visit our website to learn more.



selufen, solving compliance and certification problems to make our clients better, cleaner, safer and stronger, enabling our clients to achieve their goals through informed decision making and risk managed solutions. selufen is your risk based, professional and proactive problem solving partner.....read more

Checkmate Fire


Quite simply, Checkmate Fire offer the best all-round passive fire protection service choice in the market, nationwide. We are fully, BRE/LPCB, third party accredited across a wide range of services. And, our dedicated team support you all the way, from planning to post-installation and all stages between.....read more

Stripe Consulting


Stripe Consulting provides high quality structural, civil and forensic engineering, and associated services. Our team includes leading industry experts, Chartered Structural and Civil Engineers, AutoCAD and Revit trained engineers, and Architects. Fully insured, ISO 9001 certified and SafeContractor accredited for Building Surveyor; Civil Engineer, Designer (CDM compliant); Structural Engineer, Principal Designer and car park consultants.....read more


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