Reform in local and central government continues to create opportunities. With over 60 million people now living in the UK, the government is expected to spend an incredible £690 billion on servicing their needs. Already under Theresa May’s premiership we have seen the introduction of devolution from Whitehall to city governments, the creation of combined authorities, while the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union will ensure that the face of local government, and the business and financial spend that accompanies it, will once again take on new opportunities and challenges in the years to come.

Published since 1998 by Public Sector Information, the glossy A4 bi-monthly is a market leading publication for government professionals. The magazine, and its accompanying website helps government specifiers and buyers find out about the latest goods and services, the latest business methods and the latest procurement practices that combine to help deliver efficiency gains while better serving citizens and increasing opportunities for all. Discussing the issues that matter to councils and keeping abreast with political change, Government Business magazine outlines the local solutions to national problems.

Michael Lyons, editor

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