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With so many internal and external factors pushing NHS Trusts to move to a digital environment, there has been a significant increase in the volume of trusts exploring the option of digitising patient records.
OPEX Corporation

With so many internal and external factors pushing NHS Trusts to move to a digital environment, there has been a significant increase in the volume of trusts exploring the option of digitising patient records.

75% of the document scanning process is actually spent preparing a document upstream: flattening edges, removing staples and managing a variety of exception work. The Harsh Reality is that prep is the most labour and time intensive part of the process; and this typically carries the highest cost to trusts.

At OPEX®, we have been working with various trusts across the UK to tackle this area, and help maximise efficiency whilst saving costs through our ‘one-touch processing’ model. As such, millions of physical pages of medical records are digitised on OPEX hardware every single day in the UK & Ireland!

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