

New research has revealed that 57 per cent of British residents want to see tougher public security put in place ahead of major outdoor summer events.

Perhaps this year more than ever, the level of security at this summer’s major events will be very much under the microscope. British Transport Police are preparing security for more than 100,000 people travelling to the Royal Wedding on 19 May, including specialist firearms units at key railway stations.

Following a surge in attacks last year, including the Manchester Arena attack which happened a year ago this month, 36 per cent of the public have expressed a desire to see more armed officers patrolling busy areas, while 44 per cent of people said that they would like to see more visible security, such as bollards and barriers, in place.

As well as the Royal Wedding, this summer also sees the FIFA World Cup taking place in Russia from 14 June to 15 July, and, given Russian supporters’ antics at the European Championships two years ago, it will be interesting to see the importance given to crowd management and whether European security services can organise and maintain a safe, incident-free event.

I encourage you to read our article on event security on page 18, where Beverley Griffiths, of the Emergency Planning College, looks at risk mitigation for any emergency, including a terrorist attack in a crowded place.

Michael Lyons, editor

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