24 January 2019          View The Latest Issue Online          Follow Us On Twitter           View This Email Online



Public rollout begins for NHS App

The NHS App has started its public rollout following successful private testing with more than 3,000 patients across 30 GP practices.....read more

15-year-old to be treated at The Christie hospital

A 15-year-old boy with a rare brain cancer is set to become one of the first UK patients to have PBT at Manchester's Christie hospital.....read more

Spend on agency staff in Wales drastically increasing

The Auditor General for Wales has revealed that NHS spending on agency staff has increased markedly in recent years.....read more

Cross-government suicide prevention plan published

The first cross-government suicide prevention plan has been published, with a focus on how social media can identify those at risk of suicide.....read more

147 cyber attacks in five years on NHS in Cumbria

The NHS in Cumbria has been hit by more than 150 cyber attacks in the last five years, with 147 directed at the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust.....read more



5 modest proposals to tackling the NHS winter crisis. Every year, there’s an NHS winter crisis and each year, it seems to get worse. Beds are scarcer, admission delays are longer and A&E departments busier. What can be done about this complex problem? - click here to read our 5 modest proposals to help.

4C Strategies

What does the NHS of the future look like? In the NHS of the future, staff will no longer be required to be in the same place to attend meetings, nor will patients need to be physically present in order to request prescriptions, book appointments, or engage with their doctor.....read more

Renray Enterprise Overbed/Chair Table

Renray’s No.1 Product! The Enterprise™ over bed table/ chair range has been designed to meet the requirements of modern healthcare environments incorporating design features to address infection control issues, reduce manual handling, and enhance patient comfort and wellbeing. The smooth, non-absorbent kydex thermoplastic top provides ease of cleaning and 50mm twin wheel castors allow easy manoeuvrability.....read more

S2S Group

Providing a range of certified IT Asset Disposal and Data Erasure services for organisations within the healthcare sector, to guarantee the information security of their patient's data by securely recycling redundant specialist equipment and electronic devices. With over 30 years in the industry, S2S hold a complete set of accreditations.....read more

PCH Manufacturing

PCH Manufacturing’s Sign Shop offers a fantastic range of signage solutions for businesses throughout the South West.  The Sign Shop benefits from skilled tradespeople who design, manufacture and install quality signage solutions. From illuminated signage to vehicle graphics and more we can help make you stand out.....read more



18-19 March, Olympia, London
Do you have a product shaping the future of healthcare? Don’t miss the UK’s only exhibition and conference showcasing products and services for future healthcare to an audience of 4,000 global practitioners. Find out more about booking a stand at our website.

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