Worryingly high levels of senior vacancies in NHS
NHS Providers and The King’s Fund have warned that NHS trusts are facing significant difficulties in recruiting and retaining senior leaders.....read more Transplant service short of necessary staff and equipment
Potential organ donations are at risk because UK hospitals are extremely short of transplant surgeons and specialist nurses.....read more Over 200,000 patients waiting over six months for treatment
The number of patients waiting longer than six months to start planned NHS hospital treatment has now exceeded 200,000.....read more RCS finds almost 9,000 fax machines owned by hospitals
The NHS has been criticised for its reliance on outdated and ‘archaic’ technology as it is revealed that hospital trusts own almost 9,000 fax machines.....read more GP appointed to spread NHS innovations and join up care
Dr Karen Kirkham has been appointed to help spread NHS innovations which integrate health and social care throughout England.....read more
NHS 70 Interview: NHS Confederation
To mark the NHS 70 anniversary, HB speaks to Niall Dickson, chief executive of NHS Confederation, about the success of the NHS.....read more NHS 70 Interview: Royal College of Nursing
To mark the NHS 70 anniversary, HB speaks to Janet Davies, chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing, about the future of the NHS.....read more
Philips Dream Family
One family, multiple solutions. The Philips Dream Family range offers innovative, comprehensive sleep therapy technology with sleek, patient driven design. Dream Family is designed to increase patient adoption, keeping patients engaged and in control of their therapy. Help your patients get the sleep they need while supporting your sleep service and business goals.....read more ISS World
For the sixth year in a row, ISS has achieved the highest possible rating on the IAOP Global Outsourcing Top 100 list. Every year, the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) releases a ranking of global outsourcing companies across all industries. ISS has consistently proved to be a world class 5* provider.....read more TriMedika’s TRITEMP
TRITEMP - A simple handheld device to help reduce HCAIs. Routine thermometers touch the patient between 8000 and 15,000 times during the device’s lifetime – that’s multiple incidences of contact exposing patients to infection risk. TriMedika’s TRITEMP, a ZERO contact thermometer which requires ZERO consumables , eliminates the need to touch the patient, decreasing cross contamination opportunities and saving money.....read more The DualCap System™
The DualCap System™ disinfects the male luer connector and the needle-free valve IN 30 SECONDS. The DualCap System™ provides a physical barrier to contamination for UP TO 7 DAYS. DualCap disinfects rapidly and automatically at both IV Catheter points, and it is the only Male Luer Connector cap that prevents IPA from entering the fluid path.....read more Medstrom Healthcare
Medstrom Healthcare is the only independent provider of bed management services to the NHS, managing over 20% of the UK’s acute bed and mattress fleet. We are an independent hospital bed manufacturer and supply specialist products and services to over 150 hospitals in the UK and Ireland, including the unique Dolphin Therapy system.....read more fmfirst® Cleaning
Our fmfirst® Cleaning Application is a cleaning audit software tool used by NHS Trusts up and down the country; it simplifies and supports the undertaking, reviewing and reporting of audit processes. It’s also integrated with the National Specifications for Cleanliness as well as PAS Standards to help you stay compliant.....read more
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