The NHS workforce is the largest in Europe, employing over 1.3 million people across the UK. As the NHS is providing more care than ever before, it is becoming increasingly complex and specialised, often involving teams working across a number of locations and organisations. The NHS is therefore changing the way it works, with the government’s vision of a patient led NHS coming to the fore. With budgets shrinking and pressures rising, the ways in which the NHS purchases products and maintains its estate are more important now than ever before.
Published by Public Sector Information, Health Business magazine is a market leading publication for healthcare professionals that provides a unique bridge between organisations that run the NHS and those that supply them. The magazine, and its accompanying website, helps specifiers and buyers within the NHS find out about the latest goods and services, the latest business methods and the latest procurement practices that combine to help deliver efficiency gains while better serving citizens and increasing opportunities for all. Discussing the issues that matter to hospitals and keeping abreast with political change, Health Business magazine outlines the local solutions to national problems.
Michael Lyons, editor
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