June Webinar Series:

Local Government Automation Case Studies

Join us for this opportunity to hear first-hand from three Local Council thought leaders who have already started their Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) journey and the positive impact it is having on their employees and citizens.

Tuesday, June 16th: Lee Spraggon - Strategic Manager, Applications & Development Resources, will share how Durham County Council:

Built an Automation Centre of Excellence, employing new resources to be able to continue with their automation journey within the council

Used RPA to automate activities such as Adult Care, new staff on-boarding and rent increases


Tuesday, June 23rd: Linda Roberts – Assistant Director, Performance People & Innovation, will cover how Dacorum Borough Council:

Has used RPA to improve their single view of the customer in Information at Work through archived housing data, pictures and data from automated IT system emails.

Automated finance processing in importing invoices and coding utility bills.

Set-up a centralised RPA programme, laying the foundation to deliver RPA benefits quickly across all departments in the council.

Tuesday, June 30th: Rocco Labellarte – Chief Technology & Information Officer, will discuss how Oxford City Council is:

Using RPA in inventive ways to enable replacement of legacy IT systems and the decommission of many expensive APIs

Developing a top-down benefits strategy that has quickly won sponsorship from the executive management teams and building change inertia with service directors.

Go beyond the basics and learn about the full breadth of benefits you can achieve with RPA, much more than just reducing inefficiencies and costs.  We’ll also cover:

How to start an automation journey and what is involved.
Analysis of which is faster, hiring staff or automating with RPA.
Strategies for a successful local government automation.
Click here to register for this series of three events

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