Calculated grades to be used after exam cancellations |
Ofqual and exam boards will work with teachers to provide grades to students whose exams have been cancelled this summer, following government action to slow the spread of coronavirus..... read more |
School trusts outspending councils on staff development |
The Teacher Development Trust and School Dash have revealed that large multi-academy trusts are spending more per teacher than local authority-maintained schools on staff development..... read more |
Universities asked not to alter applicants’ offers |
Michelle Donelan is asking higher education providers not to change their offers to students for two weeks to maintain stability and ensure students’ best interests are more |
Educational apps struggling with 'unprecedented demand' |
Firefly Learning has warned that it has struggled with record demand since schools were closed last week, causing its service to run slowly and suffer periods of being offline..... read more |
Free school meals plan established |
Children eligible for free school meals will be offered meals or vouchers as an alternative if they can no longer attend school due to coronavirus measures..... read more |
Cheryl Humphries has won the LACA South East School Chef of the Year (SCOTY) Regional Final Cheryl works for ISS Education at the High Weald Academy in Cranbrook, Kent. She will now compete against the other nine regional champions plus two 'wild card' entries at the SCOTY National Final..... read more |
Taking the hassle out of recycling your redundant IT. We're fully accredited and White Canyon's approved recycler. At Recycle Your Tec we can recycle your redundant computer systems for free, complying with the strict information security and environmental standards in the I.T recycling industry..... read more |
Glasdon commercial recycling bins are designed to help you create an effective indoor or outdoor recycling programme. We manufacture the widest range of recycling bins in a variety of materials, styles and capacities to suit the needs of your organisation. With exciting new designs available, visit our website for more |
The Fitness Equipment That Turns Human Effort Into Electricity. Imagine if the energy produced during a cardio workout could be harnessed to reduce fitness facilities overall electricity consumption? That concept is now a reality as SportsArt, the green fitness company, launches its innovative ECO-POWR™ range of sustainable fitness equipment into the UK, including “Verde” - the world’s first energy-producing treadmill..... read more |
Safety Technology International |
Does your education establishment suffer with unwanted fire alarms? More than 3,100 false fire alarms were maliciously activated across England in 2018/19 - disrupting schools and businesses, placing unnecessary strain on our emergency services and reducing the confidence the general public have in fire alarms..... read more |