Take a peek in to the future of UK mobility with the final day of our eROADSHOW, where we have ‘Smart Minds’ discussing the role of ‘Smart Mobility’ as we try to create a nation of ‘Smart Mobility’.
On World Environment Day, Friday 5th June, we will connect online, with experts in future connected technologies… Experts that are involved in Smart City projects in the UK and abroad… And together, we will show you what the UK will look like over the coming decade or so, and what your city and business can do, as we move towards Net-Zero.
Designed to show how ‘connected cities’ is much more than just the ‘car’, this event will look at electric buses, smart rail, infrastructure, connectivity, mobile tech, autonomous vehicles, hydrogen and much more…
There’s lots to get through and plenty to learn, so join us online and hear from:
Session 1: The Smart City Strategy
The first session looks at electrification, the shift towards zero-emissions and how ‘Smart City’ strategies are shaping an innovative and cleaner UK, as we drive to Net-Zero. Hear from Neil Fulton, CP Catapult, Alexander Lewis-Jones, Delta-EE and Caroline Watson, C40 Cities.
Session 2: H to the Power of 2 – The Hydrogen Route
Next, we look at technology roadmaps, the role of hydrogen and fuel-cell technology in ‘Sm,art Mobility’ and finish with a look at the innovative Midlands Future Mobility project. Here, we are joined by David Philipson, Cenex, Jon Hunt, Toyota (GB) plc and Kevin Vincent, Coventry University.
Session 3: Innovative Technology for Smart Cities
We wrap-up with a look at the innovative technology that has a crucial role to play in the creation of a nation of ‘Smart Cities’, including the use of V2G in the UKs infrastrucutre. For the climax, we will hear from David Leipziger, Innovate UK and Daniel Bentham, ubitricity.
We do hope you will join us for what promises to be the most informative online events that the region has seen, with Peer Chat, Live Polls, an Interactive Q&A and Download Centre.