Electrification in the UK is ramping up. EV sales are on the increase, with more and more new models coming to market. The list of electric commercial vehicles is also growing. But what will this do to the charging network in the UK?

Following the £500 million rapid charge investment announcement by UK government back in March, there are growing concerns that the existing infrastructure needs to be improved, upgraded and made future-proof, if we’re going to achieve the goal of Net Zero.

JUICE, online on 30 July, will look at these issues and we have put together a fantastic line-up of experts to help address this. Here is a sneaky-peek at who YOU can hear from on the day:

SESSION 1 sees us look at the strategy in place from the UK government, in terms of reaching Net Zero, and we hear how they are looking at creating a sustainable charging network and safeguard the future of UK electrification. We finish with the charging and infrastructure framework that is in place for UK public sector.

SESSION 2 looks at the supply of energy with a focus on efficient energy management. We also cover how you can navigate from one end of the UK to the other, using the charging network and what maintenance issues need to be addressed to ensure maximum uptime. We finish by looking at how existing infrastructure can be utilised to create a local charging network.

SESSION 3 will look at the investment required to future-proof the network, with a special focus on what is already being done in Dundee, using the Mobility Innovation Lab. We finish by looking at how land-owners need to invest in the right way to ensure that the infrastructure installed will be there for years to come.

We close with SESSION 4 and a special look at what is going on, outside of the UK. Following a successful deployment of wireless charging in Washington state, electrifying the bus routes there, we hear how they have now applied the concept to the electrification of taxis in Oslo.

Join us online, at 10.00am, on 30th July… We’re looking at Joined-Up Infrastructure… So, Connect… And Engage.

#EV #Charging #Infrastructure #TheGrid #SmartCity #SmartCharging #RapidCharge #Network #WorkplaceCharging #JUICE #StayConnected


We do hope you will join us for what promises to be the most informative online event the infrastructure sector has seen. Spaces are limited! Register today!

Peer Chat, Live Polls and Interactive Q&A’s


For sponsorship opportunities, featuring presentation and live interaction slots, please contact:

Colin Boyton or Rosario Surace

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