Join like-minded businesses on 24 November and hear from ClientEarth and other experts from industry and government.
We’ll help you understand planned and future measures to address air pollution and the role of business in ensuring everyone in the UK enjoys the right to breathe clean air.
Government responsibility
Illegal levels of air pollution across the UK have forced ClientEarth to take the UK government to court three times, but healthy air is still a luxury in many parts of the UK.
According to the latest data, 3 out of 4 zones reporting on air quality still have illegally high air pollution.
Here is an overview of what you can expect to see addressed, by joining us on the day:
Session 1 – Keynote addresses, featuring James Thornton, Founding CEO, ClientEarth
• ClientEarth and the right to breathe clean air in the UK
Session 2 – Local Authority Plans, Clean Air Zones and the transition to cleaner forms of transport – Katherine Nield, UK Clean Air Lawyer
• The importance of Clean Air Zones for people’s health
• What is legally required of local authorities and national government
Session 3 – Local Authority Perspective: Stephen Arnold, Head of Clean Air Zone, Birmingam City Council
• The benefits of a CAZ for our local area
• How was the CAZ decided and communicated
• What is needed from national government
Session 4 – Company Case Study: Sarah Bell, Public Affairs Manager. UPS UK, Ireland & Nordics
• Planning for Clean Air Zones
• What more is needed from government
Session 5 – Beyond Clean Air Zones - Dominic Phinn, Business Engagement Coordinator, Clean Air, ClientEarth
• Green Recovery as the route to clean air and a resilient, thriving and inclusive post-pandemic economy
• The importance of the Environment Bill in delivering certainty and clean air
Interactive Q&A
ClientEarth wants you and your business to join them on the day. find out how you can get involved in the drive to clean up the UK's air.