Arrive'n'Drive Workshops 2016
This year’s Arrive’n’Drive theme is “Going Ultra Low”, as new legislation means that all cars and small vans registered from September 2015 MUST be Euro VI standard, and then the same for ALL vans from September 2016. Our Workshops will highlight the changes, and the solutions that are out there to help you run an efficient fleet and transport operation. We will try and cover everything from full electric, plug-in hybrid and also Euro VI, so everyone that attends will gain knowledge from the information delivered.
Join FORS at the “Going Ultra-low with Commercial Vehicles”
This year at Arrive’n’Drive FORS will be presenting on the future operating environment in the context of emissions, what the implications are for commercial vehicle operators and the relative merits of technology options available to mitigate their exposure to upcoming emissions regulation, as well as how to take advantage of government funding to ‘go ultra-low’ in the commercial sector. Finally, we look ‘beyond Euro VI’ for conventionally powered HGVs to ascertain how hauliers can mitigate their emissions as we wait for new technologies to come onto the market and how FORS can help you achieve that.
Join Go Ultra-low at the “Helping Fleets to Go Ultra-low”
Go Ultra Low will deliver a presentation to help fleet managers in the UK; with the latest figures confirming a 22nd continual quarterly rise in plug-in car uptake it is vital fleet managers also join this movement in order to reduce their carbon footprint and save money every year. The fleet industry continues to lead the way, with 72% of new plug-in cars registered to fleets. With 940,000 company car drivers in the UK there is obviously huge potential for growth in this market. The aim of the Arrive’n’Drive Go Ultra Low Workshop is to increase awareness of electric vehicles by helping fleet managers understand the benefits, cost savings and capabilities of the wide range of vehicles on the market. This Workshop will educate fleet audiences by addressing outdated myths and highlighting benefits, including how they offer competitive practicality for business users.
The Go Ultra-Low Workshop will consist of a keynote from the Energy Saving Trust, one from an ultra-low leasing specialist and also a case study from an approved Go Ultra Low companies.
Join NAPFM at the “Go Ultra-low in the Blue Light Sector”
The National Association of Police Fleet Managers (NAPFM) was formed in April 1986 after receiving approval from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) in February of the same year. The formation arose from an Annual Police Fleet Engineers Seminar that had already been running for thirteen years in Wiltshire. In partnership with the Home Office Commercial Directorate the NAPFM produces National Framework Procurement Contracts for such things as vehicles and vehicle parts, tyres, fuel, oil, glass, vehicle audible and visual warning, as well as vehicle disposal and ‘End of Life’ disposal. These frameworks have long been recognised to be the best in class and have delivered multi-million pound savings to the Police Service. Many of the contracts are now available to the other Emergency Services. As the Government seeks to make framework contracts pan government different groups are starting to lead in specific areas of procurement. The NAPFM Workshop will focus on ultra-low solutions for the Police, Ambulance and Fire & Rescue sectors, we will be joined by a representative from each service, who will discuss the steps they have taken in order to adapt their fleet.
Here are just a few of the speakers joining us on the day….
Arend Mouton is the Fleet Manager for the City of London Police with over 14 years’ experience under his belt after joining the City in 2002. Arend’s current remit is responsibility for providing a safe, suitable and cost effective vehicle fleet covering the various Policing roles and recently received Chartered Member status at the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.
Alexis Keech is the Environmental and Sustainability Manager for Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust. She started as the first Sustainability Manager for an ambulance service in the country in 2009. Alexis’s has over 15 years of experience in the environmental field as an environmental consultant working on large national and international projects in the UK as well as Brazil, Germany, Mozambique and Australia.
Dan Bowden is a Performance Manager for the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS). He has provided consulting and operational services for major public and private entities such as the European Commission, European bank of Reconstruction and Development, Transport for London, Abu Dhabi Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport, Nestle, Dairy Crest, and Marks and Spencer. He leads the AECOM Freight and Logistics team’s energy and climate change projects.
Paul Wilkes is a Business Services Manager for the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS). With over a decade of experience in fleet management, Paul manages the day to day running of FORS. Paul will be introducing FORS; the single standard that allows any fleet operator to demonstrate that they manage a quality fleet operation focused on safety, efficiency and reduced emissions. With over four thousand accredited members across the UK, FORS is helping to improve the reputation of the fleet industry by raising the bar for safety - ensuring drivers have the right training and their vehicles have the correct safety equipment fitted to help reduce collisions.