JUICE - Joined-Up Infrastructure Conference & Exhibition - takes place on November 8th at Plexal, London, and will help provide your organisation with the knowledge needed to ensure that investments made in EV infrastructure pay off.
Hosted by for BBC Formula E presenter Nicki Shields, the JUICE Conference features experts from the UK power, tech and motor industries who will be sharing a wealth of information to help you gain the knowledge and expertise needed to future-proof your business.
The Keynote address by Christina Bu, Secretary General of the world’s largest EV owner association - the Norwegian EV Association - will focus on developing of a world-class EV charging infrastructure. Phil Graham, Chief Executive, National Infrastructure Commission discusses what the UK government should be doing to make EVs and its infrastructure the norm, while Joscelyn Terrell, Senior EV Infrastructure Policy Advisor at the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) asks: Does the national policy framework for EV charging/infrastructure fall short?