8th November sees GREENFLEET arrive back in the Capital, and we’re delighted to be joined by the Transport for London and the Greater London Authority as our Hosts.
GREENFLEET South East is being held at Plexal, at Here East, on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford, and we have lined up experts that can help you make the changes required to be ULEZ-compliant, and also do your bit to cleaning up London’s air.
London has to lead the way, in cleaning up its air, and the mayor has a strategy to deal with the reduction of both nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and PM10 (particles less than 10 microns) and the Mayor’s London Local Air Quality Management (LLAQM) framework is the statutory process used by local authorities to review and improve air quality within their areas.
This new framework was designed to specifically meet London’s needs. The key parts include:
● Templates and tools, such as air quality data, maps and graphs, to help with action planning and monitoring. The "Action Matrix", for example, can help boroughs assess and prioritise actions to improve air quality
● A Cleaner Air Borough accreditation for boroughs that effectively monitor and reduce air pollution
● Information sharing through a regional annual report that highlights air quality projects led by London boroughs
● The integration of planning into LLAQM – allowing oversight of how and where boroughs are meeting the air quality requirements found in the 'London Plan' and stressing the importance of this area of work
Air quality borough officers can access additional resources and helpful tools via Defra to assist them with LLAQM management.
Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs) have a significant role to play in London and the South East cleaning up its air. The GLA, the London boroughs and surrounding counties will each have a strategy, and this event will feature keynote presentations and group sessions that will enable YOU to find out more, and more importantly, the role that YOUR BUSINESS has to play.