An abrupt end to the school term for many
I write this on Friday 20th March 2020 – the last day at school for most children in England, Scotland and Wales until further notice, in response to the coronavirus. Schools are closing to everyone except vulnerable children, and those with ‘key worker’ parents.
I’m sure all would agree these are strange, sombre and worrying times, as we all have to change the way we live our lives, with no definite end-date.
The educational professionals that remain in post should be applauded for what they are doing: continuing to work so those on the frontline fighting the coronavirus can continue to do so, and those vital to running the country can continue their work.
What’s more, A-level and GCSE exams are being cancelled, as well as Scottish highers. But plans are being discussed to still grade pupils so they can progress their education, go into work or on to college.
These are unprecedented times which have required drastic action. With the situation changing every day, Education Business will be reporting daily on its website, so stay online for the latest information.
Angela Pisanu, editor