Do your performing arts facilities need a refresh?
Harlequin Education Packs New social distancing measures probably means that you now have limited dedicated dance space available for your classes. If you need to increase your dance area a great way of doing so, without having to permanently convert a whole room into a studio, is by using a Harlequin Education Pack. The packs are easy to store and can be used for regular classes or one-off events. Harlequin Education Packs B and D meet the required dimensions for GCSE and A-level dance. Click here to see all the available options.
Harlequin Vinyl Daily Cleaner* For regular cleaning of your dance floor, use our 'Vinyl Daily Cleaner'. Developed specifically for use on Harlequin vinyl performance floors, it contains Benzalkonium Chloride which provides antibacterial properties and has been proven to be effective against most bacteria and viruses, including novel human coronavirus SARS_CoV-2.
*MULTI-BUY DISCOUNT of 10% available when you purchase 4 or more 5 litre bottles. Discount applies to online purchases only, T&C's apply.
For product information, advice or samples please contact our team click here or call +44 (0) 1892 514 888
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