
The new Re-flow software for Highways and maintenance job management is available on G-Cloud 12 digital marketplace.


Set up better workflows

With Re-flow’s G-Cloud 12 approval, our powerful workflow management tools are now available to help transform your Highways, Traffic Management and Maintenance activities and enable your operatives to schedule, track complete and submit all processes and paperwork instantly, on location.



Transition from paper to digital.


Re-flow’s digital workflow management software eliminates the need for physical paperwork, with everything from job, schedules and location details, to equipment and personal assignment, all created and managed centrally and shared through the app instantly.

All workflows and digital documents and paperwork for specific tasks are right there on the app with completed forms automatically uploading to the cloud and viewable by project managers in real-time.

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The 7 simple step solution of Re-flow's system

1. Create jobs and tasks 

Add all information and send to workers on location. 

2. Schedule Users 

Use the calendar and map to assign times and locations and tag people. 

3. Add digital forms and workflows

Ensure all paperwork is completed and processes followed. 

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4. Assign assets to jobs and users 

Scannable codes can be used for tracking, maintenance, and health and safety compliance.

5. Mark-up images, sign off forms and tag all submissions.  

With time/date/location tags; our software provides high detailed communication. 

6. Produce quotes, invoices or accurate labour and material usage.  

Our inbuilt calculators help to process your data. 

7. Receive information and produce reports  

Use the data you collect to improve costs, safety and efficiency.

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Comes with all these digital forms, for immediate use


Briefing Logs
Daily Return Sheets
Daily Site Diary
Depot Stock Forms
Feedback Form
Photo Upload
Put On Hold
Safety Observation Reports
Site Pre-visit
Sketch forms
Traffic Count
Vehicle Stock Take


Document sign off
Dynamic Risk Assessment

Generic Risk Assessment
Incident Report
PPE Requests
Plant Training
Plant Safety Check
SHEQ Audit
Toolbox Talk Logs
Vehicle Safety Checks


Absence Self Certification
Alcohol Screening 
Covid-19 Screening
Driver hours Log

Drug Screening
Expenses Claims
Holiday Requests

Return to Work


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Re-flow, The Mount, 72 Paris Street, Exeter, Devon, EX12JY, United Kingdom, 01392574002

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