Decarbonising larger vehicles
While it seems to have become accepted that petrol and diesel cars will eventually become a thing of the past, attention has turned towards meeting the zero emission goal for heavier forms of transport, such as trucks, buses and larger vans.
The government is in the process of developing a transport decarbonisation plan, which should include details on when the it expects to phase out new diesel trucks.
Of course, those working in freight and logistics may be cautious of such plans, as currently, little exists in the form of zero emission truck solutions. This is changing, with more manufacturers announcing electric trucks, and more investment being put into hydrogen, which is touted as a solution for long-haul, heavy duty zero-emission applications.
In the Commercial section of GreenFleet, we focus on how heavy duty vehicles can become zero emission (see below). This issue of GreenFleet also has a public sector theme, with advice on EV charging infrastructure, clean air zones and grey fleet management.
Angela Pisanu, editor