The Road to Net Zero
Robert Evans, CENEX
The consultancy and research organisation’s CEO sets the UK scene on net zero policy, strategy and incentives that offer a solid business case to make the switch to electric for fleet managers across the UK.
Choosing the Right Vehicle
The automotive data experts offer up the latest figures you need to assist your decision on purchasing the right vehicles for fleet electrification.
Electrifying a Fleet
Lorna McAtear, Fleet Manager, National Grid
National Grid is successfully electrifying its busy fleet. That means electrifying 2,879 vehicles in the UK and 2,905 vehicles in the US. National Grid has also made a commitment for 289 charging sites in the UK and to continue adding 2,900 owned-chargers for its internal fleets to the 1,400 points already deployed in US territories. So how have they achieved this?
Decarbonising Transport in Nottingham
Matt Ralfe, Innovation and Change Manager, Parking, Fleet & Transport, Nottingham City Council
This is the story of Nottingham City Council’s journey to fleet electrification, charging & Infrastructure supply and demand, costs/incentives, vehicle choice and useful strategy tips.
Further, faster, for less
Simon King, Partner, edenseven
This presentation will cover how business can go further and faster in electrification and how EVs have changed to offer better performance than ICE and at much lower cost – with some savings that many fleets fail to fully implement.
also take part in Q&A sessions, roundtables and test drive the latest clean car and commercial vehicle technology.