Have you started on your NET ZER0 strategy?

Join us for the Decarbonising Commercial Vehicles webinar on the 9th March at 10 am.

As we approach the 9th March, this is your chance to get involved in what could be the key to the progression of decarbonising your fleet.


There has been a nationwide focus on reducing our carbon footprint as stated by government guidelines for NET Zero. 


To maximize your time, we’ve chosen our speakers carefully as they've demonstrated significant progress in decarbonising commercial vehicles and fleets.


Attending this webinar presents the chance to hear from Kate Armitage our host and ambassador, Murray Sirel, Electric Vehicle Consultant at Gemserv, Simon West-Oliver, Sales Director at AssetWorks, and Olly Craughan, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at DPD Group, Richard Parker, Bridgestone Mobility Solutions’ EV expert at Webfleet.


With the road to the 2030 guidelines drawing even closer, join us for our FREE webinar, which could be vital in keeping your fleet on the road.


With events scheduled across the entirety of 2023, why not join us for the events we will be providing this year? with a massive focus on collaboration, we believe that in working together great strides can be made in improving every Net Zero strategy.

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