Reserve your FREE place for GREENFLEET North

Headingley Stadium, Leeds, 27 April


This FREE one-day event is there to help your transition to net zero with commercial and private fleets. We have gathered industry experts to cover various topics that will assist your net zero strategies.


Our sponsors, Quartix, Lookers leasing, and Mina, will be joining us at this event and bring extensive experience in commercial fleet management which can enhance operations and accelerate progress toward a greener fleet management system. The event will begin with an insight into the sponsors' strategies and present new ideas for operating your fleet more effectively.   


We are delighted to announce our newest sponsor Mina. Mina is an award-winning payment solution that completes EV charging for employees at home and on the road in one monthly invoice. When charging and powering large fleets in the UK, it is difficult for companies to track their EV costs without upfront charges that their drivers may be liable to, with Mina businesses avoid the Government Advisory Electricity rate, which can provide inaccuracies, and instead, the charging costs consumed at home are paid directly to the energy supplier. 


Quartix understood the importance of vehicle tracking for fleet management after meticulously inspecting commercial fleets in 2001. With Quartix, fleet managers can analyze data and generate easy-to-use reports. Over 600,000 vehicles have been fitted with tracking devices over time because they reduce costs and boost productivity. With Live Tracking, Driver Timesheets, Geofencing, and Management Dashboards, this technology allows you to see where the drivers and vehicles can improve to make for an efficient system.


Lookers Leasing has been helping corporations, government agencies, and small businesses improve fleet efficiency and economic performance since 1908. Lookers Leasing is committed to assisting fleets in growth and transition to electric vehicles in compliance with government regulations. In addition, Lookers Leasing assists companies in switching to EVs, providing a guide and sustainably changing fleets so that the transition is worthwhile and helping to fix the issue businesses have with sourcing electric vehicles for their fleets.


The STRATEGIZE Surgeries features eight different themes and expert speakers that will operate in 30-minute slots to assist any organization with their net zero strategies, regardless of where they are. We will feature a specialist for each theme you need for a successful EV implementation plan. But, most importantly, YOU decide where you want to go.


With so much expertise in one place, what do you have to lose? Join us for FREE at GREENFLEET North!


For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Colin Boyton

For event enquiries, please contact Chloe Dunkley 


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