It’s fair to say that things haven’t exactly been plain sailing of late in the rudderless ship of government. After the parliamentary party lanced its boil, regular members now get to choose between current home secretary Truss or ex-chancellor Sunak, neither of whom have thus far achieved anything tangible in their bleak ministerial careers. Nothing gets done while they duke it out, and whoever wins will have a mountain to climb to regain trust.
In this issue, we take another look at the Procurement Bill and the potential it has change the way the public sector works.
With staff recruitment and retention always an issue, we dive into the Crown Commercial Service’s Permanent Recruitment Framework.
This issue’s Expert Panel tackles transformational change and asks five big questions around people, process and technology.
The ability of local government to get things done is evident in Smart City Business, which features Edinburgh’s award-winning LED street lighting project and takes a look at Energy Superhub Oxford, reportedly the most powerful EV charging facility in Europe.
Danny Wright, Acting Editor