Working towards net zero
The NHS’s aim to become the world’s first net-zero national health service is certainly ambitious. However, many NHS Trusts, organisations and individuals are already making a big difference.
With 60 per cent of the NHS’s carbon footprint occurring within the supply chain, this is an area where significant change can be made. This issue looks at NHS SBS’s new Hard FM framework which includes suppliers of low-carbon energy infrastructure.
The digitisation of health and social care is also a hot topic at the moment, with the announcement of the government’s Plan for Digital Health and Social Care. Within the scope of the new plan, alongside the creation of Integrated Care Systems, there is plenty of hope for reduced emissions, with a reduction in paper use and an increase in efficiency.
At a more localised level, trials are taking place across the country where drones are being used to transport medical supplies, taking vehicles off the road.
This issue also looks at the Passivhaus design standard, which cuts energy use from buildings, with Foleshill Health Centre becoming the first NHS building to achieve Passivhaus certification.
With all 212 NHS Trusts now having a Green Plan, the NHS is already reducing emissions and is well on the way to becoming the world’s first net-zero national health service.
Polly Jones, Editor