How digital educational tools can support both students and teachers
Webinar on Thursday 30th November @ 16:00 Join Dr Naomi Norman, Education consultant and researcher at Techademic Ltd and Les Hopper, Product Director at Pearson for a discussion on using digital tools in education, including ActiveHub, our latest data-driven platform that gives you the tools you need to help your students reach their full potential.
This will cover the evolution of digital education, how digital tools can be implemented into today's classroom, as well as a conversation on how digital solutions can support students’ education both inside and outside the classroom.
Learn more on our latest digital educational tool, ActiveHub
ActiveHub is the next step in digital teaching and learning, bringing together assessment, rich data insights and next generation independent intervention practice to give you the tools you need to help your students reach their full potential. Driven by insights, ActiveHub provides everything on one platform for a powerful online learning experience, anytime, anywhere. Now available for KS3 and KS4 English, Maths and Science as well as KS4 History and Geography. See how ActiveHub can support both you and your students by booking a quick demo.
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