Sponsored by Optimize, the new name of industry experts The Algorithm People, you will hear from key individuals throughout the 'Top of the Pops' style countdown, as they join John for a chat about their own achievements.
And once we reveal the coveted Top 10, Optimize CEO, Colin Ferguson, will join John and 3 others talk 'Optimisation, decarbonisation and transformation'. As specialists in making algorithms easy, Optimize specialise in fleet optimisation... Optimising EVs and last-mile delivery, use has seen fleets benefit from efficiency savings of up to 30%... Saving money and reducing carbon.
So, make sure you join Colin, John and other experts from the sector on 10 February
#GF100 #optimize #decarbonise #transform #fleetmanagement
For more information on how your business can get involved in the GF100, or any other GREENFLEET event, contact:
Colin Boyton
Tel: 07765 146289 or 020 8532 5704
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