We are delighted to bring you discussion-led seminar events. Staged both online and in-person these free-to-attend gatherings bring together you, the fleet community, to help support and drive forward your transport decarbonisation plans.


With all bases covered including strategy and policy, operations, charging and infrastructure, vehicles and then of course cost, we target fleet and transport professionals first and highlight the impact of a growing energy crisis and the ongoing issues that continue to impact fleets’ electrification plans.

Our Achieving Net Zero Webinar series kicked off with Electric Vehicles yesterday morning and continues throughout the year. The free online events allow you to join the discussions on what is being done to support you making your fleet Net Zero. 


For sponsorship opportunities, please contact George Petrou

If you have opinions on the future of electric transport and want to have your voice heard these Roundtables are for you. Meet face-to-face with like-minded colleagues to discuss and debate the UK scene on net zero transport policy, discover the strategy/incentives that offer a solid business case to make the switch to an electric and low-carbon fleet and drill down to a range of issues to learn what works and what doesn’t, what matters to you, what needs to change and what is the biggest barrier to implementing a net zero approach to transport projects.


To register your interest, please contact George Petrou


Our GREENFLEET Net Zero Roadshow is back and better than ever. We’ve got a new schedule and format which allows UK fleet, estates, sustainability, and HR professionals to pick and choose what they want to attend and engage with. New for 2023 is the Strategize ‘The Zero Emission Surgeries’ featuring industry experts across up to 8 different areas that will help you build the perfect Net Zero fleet strategy.


We have

GREENFLEET North taking place April 27

GREENFLEET Scotland taking place 15-17 August

GREENFLEET South taking place 28 September

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Colin Boyton

For event enquiries, please contact Chloe Dunkley


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