What is on offer at GREENFLEET SOUTH?
As part of our new format, we are lining up experts from the likes of Office for Zero Emission Vehicles, Zemo Partnership, SMMT, National Highways, BVRLA and more. Each will deliver thought-provoking presentations in the seminars before we break for refreshments.
They will then join sector experts in the fields of finance, leasing, salary sacrifice, fleet, depot, on-street charging and infrastructure and much more for our STRATEGIZE Surgeries (see the programme here). These intimate 30-minute sessions are designed to offer the collaborative thoughts, guidance and expertise to help any fleet, large or small, on the road to net zero.
Delegates are free to pop outside and engage with different sections of the event that include our surgeries, test drives and networking with experts within the main suite.
Get yourself registered and advance your path to net-zero.