As the spring term draws to a close, your attention will be shifting toward the priorities that lie ahead in the summer months. We'd like to remind you of what's available to your Trust in the run-up to the exam period. There's a wealth of support, some of which is already included in your exam fees, that your schools should be accessing.
Assessment support for Trusts
Support the delivery and marking of mock exams, adding a layer of confidence to your mock marking across your Trust.
Give every GCSE student access to exam-board-specific revision for all core subjects and more.
Offer your learners sessions with UK-qualified teachers who provide tailored revision.
Connect with your Trust Partnership Manager to talk us through your priorities for next term.
Are we missing a trick in primary assessment?
Laying the foundations for GCSE success
The future of qualifications and assessments
What gets measured tends to get done. This means a curriculum driven largely by English and maths, but we also need to consider assessment needs to help us look below the surface of these headline measures. Why?
We’ve brought together leading voices from the sector to share their top tips on how to support KS3, EAL and SEND learners in acquiring the necessary literacy skills for secondary education.
What should a good system look like?
Our report includes the findings of our one-year research project and recommendations on shaping a better and bolder future for qualifications.
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